Hypergeek (PRESS F5)

by Devin Townsend Band

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:30 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Devin Townsend

Tabbed by


1st → Guitar 1 (acoustic and electric)
2nd → Bassk 3
3rd → Guitar 2 (acoustic and electric)
4th → Piano 2
5th → Piano 1
6th → Drumsssion
7th → Piano 3 and further synths

File Size

44 KB




Jesus Christ, I thought this would be an easy, happy little opener to tab, but it turns out that just like all of his stuff, it's full of layers and took me absolutely fecking ages. Oh well. Behold! Not entirely sure that's all piano in the acoustic section, but I couldn't find better. If there's anything I've missed or got wrong, I do apologize, it's quite hard to make everything out. Wing us a PM if you want me to change anything, and I'll credit you, because I'm cool like that.